"Tommy Philippe joined the Quebec Green Party team to put forward the priorities of Chicoutimi and its citizens. He has worked in the healthcare sector, having trained in hygiene and sanitation in health care settings, where he witnessed the deplorable state of our hospitals and public infrastructures. He was also assistant manager of a restaurant and is now in charge of La soupe du passant, a community organization in his neighborhood. He became involved in politics in the past through a friend's campaign, and has been actively serving the people of Chicoutimi ever since.
It proposes improving the region's public transport service so that it is better adapted to the needs of the population, among other things by expanding the bus network, extending its timetables, and making the service free for its users.
Tommy also wants to put forward alternatives that will lead to better waste management, such as the creation of renewable energy using organic matter collected through compost, a measure that will go a long way to reducing the high landfill costs generated by our current methods."
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