
The Leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, has appointed two deputy leaders for the duration of the federal leadership race, which was ratified by the political organization's National Executive. They areAlice Sécheresse andHalimatou Bahtwo great activists, spokespersons and former candidates for the Green Party of Quebec in the 2018 provincial general election. 

In his campaign launch speech to the federal party leadership, Alex Tyrrell made the following statement:

"The leadership race will be demanding. This is a big step for me as a young professional, and I intend to pursue this campaign to the fullest while ensuring that the Green Party of Quebec continues to grow and develop its membership, influence and platform. It's also a great opportunity for the Green Party of Quebec to popularize other members of our team, who are excellent and have been dedicated to this cause for years.

That's why I've decided to appoint two deputy chiefs for the duration of the federal leadership race. Two remarkable people with whom I've had the time and privilege to work over the past two years. Two people I know and trust. Two people who are capable of keeping the Green Party of Quebec at the forefront of the movement for environmental protection and social justice.

Alice Sécheresse termine un baccalauréat en Développement international, en Environnement et en Études africaines à l’Université McGill. Elle a été candidate dans la circonscription de Gouin lors des élections provinciales de 2018 et elle est porte-parole du Parti Vert du Québec en condition féminine depuis plus qu’un an. Halimatou Bah détient un Baccalauréat en sciences politiques de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, une maitrise en administration publique ainsi qu’un certificat en évaluation de programme de l’École nationale d’administration publique (l’ENAP) elle a été candidate du Parti Vert du Québec dans la circonscription de Saint-Laurent lors de l’élection provinciale de 2018 et elle est porte-parole en famille du Parti Vert du Québec depuis plus qu’un an. 

As Deputy Leaders of the Green Party of Quebec, Alice Sécheresse and Halimatou Bah will continue their common fight for greater respect for the natural environment, a more equitable distribution of wealth and gender equality. Together, they will ensure that the Green Party of Quebec remains at the forefront of the environmental movement, and I'm delighted to have them on our team!



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