On behalf of the entire team at the green party of Quebec I would like to wish you a happy holiday!
In these challenging times people are working together to stop the spread of the virus. This show of collective solidarity is as inspiring as it is difficult. We have a collective responsibility to protect the most venerable and Quebeckers are pulling together.
At the Green Party of Quebec we are hard at work preparing for next year's provincial election that is just 10 months away. In this election we will put forward a bold platform that proposes rapid action on the climate crisis and social justice for all. We will broaden the spectrum of debate by proposing new innovative ideas for the future of Quebec. We are also preparing for a by-election in the Marie-Victorn district (Longueuil) and will be announcing our incredible candidate in the new year!
The 2022 election will be critically important for the environment and social justice in the wake of the pandemic. More than ever we need Green voices to be heard in the public debate and the 2022 election is our chance to do just that! Join us in advocating for the environment and social justice by signing up to become a candidate or to volunteer!
If you are feeling generous this holiday season, please considering making a donation of $100 or less to the Green Party of Quebec before December 31st. Your donation will be more than tripled by elections Quebec's public funding of political parties. Every dollar raised will help us advocate for the environment and social justice in Quebec. With your support there is no limit to what we can achieve together!
In solidarity and happy holidays,
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec