Photo: Daniel Barnes / Getty Images
Halimatou Bah

Visit gouvernement de la CAQ a annoncé récemment qu’il allait mettre fin aux activités d’exploration et d’exploitation dans le domaine des hydrocarbures au Québec. C’est une bonne nouvelle pour l’environnement et un bon pas dans la bonne direction afin de faire face à la crise and to engage in atrue green transition

Par ailleurs, l’exploitation des Hydrocarbures n’a jamais achieved social acceptability in Quebec, as witnessed by the strong mobilization of citizens and environmental groups who forced the government to put an end to the oil and gas industry in Quebec. For this victory to be total, it is important not to offer any compensation to these major polluters, who are largely responsible for the climate crisis we are experiencing. It is therefore perfectly normal not to compensate these climate-damaging companies, especially as there is no law requiring the government to compensate them. The Centre Québécois du droit en environnement is unequivocal "If the political will is to respect Quebec's commitments in the fight against climate change and to position itself as a leader in the field, the province can pass legislation to put an end to the hydrocarbon industry on its territory, without compensation for the companies affected, even retroactively."

The Green Party of Quebec supports petitions launched by associationsWe've also heard from environmental groups and community organizations to put an end to the possibility of compensating oil and gas companies following the passage of the anti-drilling law. 

In fact, such compensation can cost Quebecers millions of dollars, while these public funds can be used for other purposes, such as helping populations suffering from climate change or supporting the energy transition.  As a reminder, in 2017 the Couillard government compensated its partners in the limited partnership created for the project, Hydrocarbures Anticosti, with a total of more than $61 million. This amount is in addition to the $115 million that the Marois government and its Minister of Natural Resources Martine Ouellette had paid out to the partners. donné à l’industrie pour réaliser ces mêmes forages avec la fracturation hydraulique! Il ne faudrait pas que ce scénario se répète avec le gouvernement de la CAQ, surtout en ces temps où la crise  sanitaire a fortement éprouvé le portefeuille de la pollution. Une nouvelle indemnisation de l’industrie créera un précédent dangereux et ce surtout pour les provinces où la taille de l’industrie pétrolière est plus grande et qui n’auront jamais les fonds nécessaires pour dédommager leur industrie en cas de fermeture imposée par l’État. 

The Green Party of Quebec says YES to banning oil and gas development and NO to compensating oil companies operating in Quebec.

Let's stand up! No to the oil companies!

Halimatou Bah
Deputy Leader of the Quebec Green Party 

Photo Credit: Daniel Barnes / Getty Images


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