On Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 4:00 pm, Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Green Party of Quebec, and Kristian Solarik, candidate in the Soulanges riding, demonstrated for the closure of General Dynamics, a plant located in Valleyfield, southwest of Montreal. 

Alex Tyrrell is running in this year's by-election in Longueuil's Marie-Victorin riding. The General Dynamics plant, which manufactures bombs, explosives and rockets, is located southwest of Montreal. Alex Tyrrell has always been a militant pacifist, and has repeatedly indicated that avoiding war with Russia would be his top priority. Indeed, his anti-war stance recently came in for some harsh criticism. Today, he once again spoke out against violence and in favor of peace.

 " The military-industrial complex is a danger to society. It makes us fight unnecessary and avoidable wars. It causes death, destruction and environmental collapse worldwide. It wastes our industrial capacity on bombs while we struggle to find people to work in the energy transition sector. Every morning, thousands of Quebec workers get up and go to work making bombs that will be used to kill people rather than making a positive contribution to society and humanity. We don't need these factories. We don't need to produce bombs. We have more important and useful things to build. We don't need to contribute to the endless cycle of war. What we need to do is defend peace. We need to close these factories and elect anti-war activists to our parliament and democratic institutions now," said Alex Tyrrell. 

In the wake of this pacifist demonstration and his anti-war rhetoric, NéoMédias wanted to talk to Party leader Alex Tyrrell to explain his position in more detail.

Interview available at this link.



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