Jeanne Decat
Community greenhouse project
The Green Party of Quebec is proposing to tackle the problem of imported food by building a vast network of public urban and rural greenhouses powered by hydro-electricity. These greenhouses will be built by Hydro-Québec through a new subsidy program before being handed over to local communities in every district of Quebec.
Supporting organic farming
The Green Party of Quebec supports major subsidies for the production and consumption of certified organic food. These billion-dollar-per-year investments will focus on educational programs and hundreds of millions of dollars in financial assistance to farmers to help with the transition to organic farming across Quebec.
Ban the use of pesticides and nitrogen fertilizers
The Green Party of Quebec supports the banning of all pesticides (and herbicides) and nitrous oxide fertilizers (fertilizers that produce a lot of greenhouse gases) on our territory by the year 2026. This ban will apply to both agriculture and urban centers.
Reduce consumption of animal products and by-products
Scientific advice is clear: reducing the consumption of meat and animal products is an effective way to reduce our GHGs and fight climate change. For this reason, the Green Party of Quebec supports the implementation of a 50% reduction target for animal products by 2034, combined with a series of innovative measures to help citizens make the change and reduce demand for these products.
The Green Party of Quebec believes that a set of regulations aimed at alleviating suffering and stopping the mistreatment of farm animals must be implemented.
Law enforcement and compliance
Un gouvernement vert mettrait en place un ministère de la Condition Animale afin de garantir la mise en place, l’élaboration, le renforcement et le respect des lois entourant le bien-être animal. Ce ministère agirait en collaboration avec les SPA et SCPA et les inspecteurs afin d’appliquer efficacement les lois provinciales.
Action is needed to tackle the serious problem of pet overpopulation, which leads to euthanasia every year.
We want to ban the sale of overpopulated animals (cats, dogs and certain rodents) in pet shops, and put an end to the breeding of these animals. On the other hand, we encourage the adoption of animals from shelters in pet shops, as well as responsible adoption from shelters and ethical breeders. Only small-scale breeding will be permitted, i.e. small-scale family or non-profit breeding operations that are not profit-oriented and generate a small number of animals.
Breed bans
The Green Party of Quebec denounces the laws banning certain breeds of dogs in Quebec. We believe that these regulations are completely illogical, discriminatory and unenforceable, and that they demonstrate the profound shortcomings of the political class when it comes to animal rights and animal abuse. As dog breeds are difficult to identify, even by experts, not to mention the cross-breeding that makes the task all the more arduous, it will be impossible to apply the law accurately. What's more, the Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, among others, have already spoken out against legislation targeting certain breeds.
Animals bred or trapped for their fur
Le Parti Vert s’oppose à l’élevage des animaux pour de la fourrure. Cette industrie est responsable de la mort et de la souffrance de millions de renards, de coyotes, de lapins et de visons, entre autres.
Animal experimentation
The Green Party of Quebec advocates a ban on animal testing for commercial purposes (e.g. make-up). In addition, thehe Green Party of Quebec is proposing a strict framework and enforcement of regulations governing animal experimentation in the medical and scientific fields. Since these animals are excluded from the protections of the Animal Welfare and Safety Act, practices are currently left to self-regulation.
The Green Party program aims to :
- Encourager l’élimination graduelle de l’utilisation des animaux dans l’industrie et le développement de nouvelles méthodes qui n’impliquent pas d’animaux.
- Mandater les fonctionnaires du MAPAQ pour effectuer des inspections approfondies non seulement pendant que les laboratoires sont vides ou inutilisés, mais aussi pendant que les tests sont réalisés sur les animaux. Ils devront produire des rapports publics détaillés afin d’assurer la transparence et faire un rapport sur l’état des animaux avant, pendant et après les tests.
Animals in entertainment
The entertainment industry should not force wild animals to perform for human entertainment. The use of animals for entertainment must be reduced and eventually banned.