The GPQ introduces Moussa Seck, candidate in the D’Arcy-McGee riding

Gabrielle Cassagnes Lemoine

Green Party of Quebec Leader Alex Tyrrell is pleased to announce the nomination of Moussa Seck as a candidate in the riding of D’Arcy-McGee for this fall’s general election. The addition of Moussa to the Green Party of Quebec’s 2022 provincial election team demonstrates that more individuals are interested and involved in running for the Green Party across Quebec. The PVQ is proud to field a dynamic and diverse team that is determined to shake up Quebec politics with new ideas, while injecting positive energy into our democracy. The Green Party of Quebec is pleased to have Moussa as part of its growing team spread across Quebec.

Moussa Seck is an environmental project manager and sustainable development consultant. He has a bachelor’s degree in political science from UQAM with a focus on public administration and public policy and a master’s degree in environmental management from the University of Sherbrooke. Mr. Seck has an in-depth knowledge of policies related to the valorization of diversity, design thinking principles, and environmental laws and regulations in Quebec and Canada. Having always been passionate about the workings of Quebec politics, he wishes to make the leap into politics to have a positive impact on people’s lives while actively participating in the development of our communities, public policy analysis and the environment in the era of climate change. It is for all these reasons that Moussa Seck chose to get involved in politics by running for the Green Party in the D’Arcy McGee riding where he lives.

« I am convinced that the citizens of D’Arcy-McGee will have a strong candidate to vote for and who will defend the progressive and eco-socialist agenda here in Montreal. I am very happy to have you on the team. We are going to be here to support you all the way through this campaign, » said the party leader.

Green Party leader Alex Tyrrell took the opportunity to make a brief comment on the death of the Queen. After offering his condolences to the royal family, Mr. Tyrrell spoke about his party’s vision for the place of the monarchy. « We will probably have debates about the role of the monarchy, perhaps even constitutional reform in Canada. In the Green Party of Quebec, we have been advocating for years for the addition of a right to a healthy environment in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and in our view, any constitutional reform should include not only that, but also the recognition of aboriginal governments and the power of the provinces to block pipelines and projects that are not deemed to be in their interests; »


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