Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Green Party of Quebec, and Amavi Tagodoe, candidate in Deux-Montagnes, took the stage on Thursday to put forward the PVQ's proposal for a carbon tax. It's time to take concrete action to combat climate change and emissions from the transportation sector. Expert opinion is clear: to reduce greenhouse gases and fight climate change, we need to take concrete action to reduce our consumption of gasoline and fossil fuels.
The Green Party of Quebec proposes to finance the energy transition and the shift in our society through a carbon tax, applied to gasoline, as well as measures to discourage the purchase of gas-guzzling vehicles. The Green Party of Quebec is proposing a carbon tax of 200$ per tonne of CO2 emissions, rising by 40$ per year. The PVQ is aware that this will increase the price of gasoline, but this policy has been adopted to give citizens a little predictability. Oil is going to get more and more expensive, so it's best to adapt to having smaller cars and limiting our car journeys.
However, any increase in the price of carbon must take into account the economic realities of individuals, families and regions. That's why we support a system of reasoning that will enable carbon pricing to be managed more equitably. We propose to offer a carbon price exemption to every Quebec resident. The number of liters of gasoline exempted will be determined according to residents' proximity to public transit and their ability to reduce emissions. Children will also be entitled to an exemption. For example, families living in the regions will receive a large number of liters of exemption, while those living in the metropolis, close to public transport, will receive a much smaller exemption. What's more, this change will be coupled with a major expansion of the public transport network, which will now be free, more frequent, faster and more comfortable. This shift to public transport will benefit all Quebecers, who will be able to breathe cleaner air, waste less time in traffic jams, save on the cost of owning and maintaining a vehicle, and do their part in the fight against climate change.
Aamavi Tagodoe, concluded by mentioning "that it's important to take significant measures, because we're not talking about the distant future, but the near future. It's about the future for us and for our children, so let's take the measures that may seem a little difficult at times, but they're necessary if we're to have a green future so that we can breathe properly. Let's take the steps we need to take now to have a future that's good for us and for our children."