Marc-André Bélisle, a former Green Party of Quebec candidate for the Masson riding, is entering politics with the Green Party of Quebec to protect the environment and promote social justice. Marc-André's aim is to bring about a societal transition towards a healthier relationship with the environment and a better quality of life, based on an economic model other than that of constant incrementalism and over-consumption.
For Marc-André, it's more sustainable for Quebec if a fundamentally green party that seeks to limit the impact of climate change is in charge of Quebec's future, rather than others who talk about it but whose real intentions are not to make changes to the economic and social system at the root of today's problems.
As green in his political ideas as he is in his work, Marc-André operates a project management firm for local and international companies and organizations whose vocation is to have a positive sustainable impact on the environment and society. As a committed entrepreneur, he wants companies to take responsibility for their ecological and social footprints, without waiting for government directives.
À titre de porte-parole en collaboration internationale du PVQ, il entend jouer un rôle clé dans le plaidoyer en faveur des politiques environnementales du Parti Vert du Québec au niveau international et de travailler en étroite collaboration avec d’autres porte-paroles de partis verts à travers le monde pour coordonner les efforts, partager des informations et élaborer des stratégies et des solutions communes aux problèmes mondiaux liés à l’environnement.