Gabrielle Cassagnes Lemoine
The Green Party of Quebec wants to define the police force and invest in programs...
The leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, and Halimatou Bah, deputy leader and candidate in Sanguinet, took the floor on Tuesday to put forward the PVQ's position on...
The Green Party denounces the destruction of farmland in Longueuil
The leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, as well as Vincent Aquin-Belleau, candidate in Marie-Victorin, spoke this Monday in Longueuil about the project to build two seedling factories on farmland near...
The Green Party Tackles Online Shopping Waste
The leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, as well as Vincent Aquin-Belleau, candidate in Marie-Victorin, spoke this Monday in Longueuil, to present the position on the waste of online commerce. With...
The Green Party denounces the destruction of farmland in Longueuil
Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Green Party of Quebec, and Vincent Aquin-Belleau, candidate in the Marie-Victorin riding, spoke in Longueuil on Monday about the proposed construction of two new...
Le Parti Vert s’attaque aux déchets du commerce en ligne
The leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, and Vincent Aquin-Belleau, candidate in Marie-Victorin, spoke this Monday in Longueuil, to present the position on waste from trade...
The Green Party at the Climate Justice Demonstration
On Friday, September 23, 2022, the Green Party of Quebec joined the global strike for climate justice. Political inaction cannot continue and it is high time to act to ensure the future of humanity!
The Greens at the demonstration for climate justice
On Friday, September 23, 2022, the Green Party of Quebec joined the global strike for climate justice. Political inaction can no longer continue, and it's high time we took action to...