Jimmy Viera
PVQ presents the top 4 environmental issues.
A video message from the two new deputy chiefs Halimatou Bah and Alice Sécheresse.
Montreal, February 6, 2020 - The two new deputy chiefs Halimatou Bah and Alice Sécheresse express themselves through a video on the environmental issues facing the province of...
January 29, 2017: a duty to remember
A message from Halimatou Bah, DMP Deputy Leader
This year marks the 3rd sad anniversary of the attack on Quebec City's Grand Mosque. The events of January 29, 2017 have left...
The PVQ denounces the CAQ's measures concerning the private sponsorship program...
A statement by Halimatou Bah, DMP Deputy Leader
Montreal, January 20, 2020 - Dismayed by the declining threshold and new measures applied to the private refugee sponsorship program, Halimatou Bah, Chief...