Available courses

Internship: Communications Officer Brief job description Reporting to the General Manager, the Communications Officer is responsible for the Party's external communications and for coordinating media and public communications related to DMP activities and events. Job description ...
Join us on Friday, March 4, 2022 at 12 p.m. for the first information session organized by the Green Party of Québec team! We are pleased to present this new program of bi-weekly information sessions open to all....
The Green movement is growing in Quebec! We're currently looking for volunteers who are passionate about the environment and social justice. Get involved today and become part of the Green movement in Quebec! Loading...
Become a PVQ member to show your support for our movement. Your membership will enable you to get involved in the party's projects, take part in congresses and keep up to date with our news! The climate emergency is upon us, and we're counting on you to take action! Loading...
It's a real pleasure for me to write to you today as Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Quebec. I entered politics for the very first time in the 2018 provincial election as a candidate in the riding of Saint-Laurent. As an immigrant and...
While the Green Party of Québec receives the vast majority of its funding from Elections Québec through the per-vote subsidy, we also accept donations of up to $200 per person per year. You can make a donation by mail or by calling...