Today, I'm launching the first global news service dedicated to covering Green Parties around the world. This initiative aims to connect and strengthen links between Green parties and supporters around the world, by sharing information, promoting...
- Seven years of leadership! - Seven years ago today, I was elected leader of the Green Party of Quebec! I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me throughout this interesting, stimulating and dynamic journey. During this time, we have...
This weekend, members of the Green Party of Quebec in Montreal and Quebec City held general meetings to form and renew two regional associations of their members! The two regions will now have a strong team of dedicated members to help...
Last week, the leader of Quebec's Green Party traveled to the border between Quebec and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to see the potential environmental damage caused by a mining company's project to destroy eight lakes and 160 streams. Last week I travelled to the Quebec-Labrador border where...
Today is election day in New Brunswick, and I'd like to wish David Coon, Kevin Arseneau and Megan Mitton the best of luck in their re-election campaign, as well as all the Green Party of New Brunswick candidates in this election! Here's a photo of Kevin and me taken in Prince Edward Island...
Here's the text of my speech! Good morning everyone, thank you for joining us this morning here in Montreal on the unceded aboriginal lands of the Kanien'kehá:ka nation. Last week, I asked the National Council of the Green Party of Quebec to call a vote of confidence in my leadership in order to...
For more than two years, I've had the pleasure of working with Alice Sécheresse in the Green Party of Quebec, where she's worked as a volunteer, employee, candidate, spokesperson on the status of women and finally deputy leader. Alice is a bright, determined young woman with a passion for the environment and...
Montreal, September 04, 2020 - On September 03, 2020, the Green Party of Quebec (PVQ) organized one of the Quebec debates for the Green Party of Canada leadership candidates. The debate, which featured Meryam Haddad, Dimitri Lascaris, David Merner, Annamie Paul, Courtney Howard and Glenn...
As health spokesperson for the Green Party of Quebec, I'd like to mention that today, August 31, 2020, is International Overdose Awareness Day. We tend to associate this phenomenon with fringe audiences, but in reality, it's...