Great interview with Green MLA Jenica Atwin in which she pledges to fight the ultra-powerful Irving companies in New Brunswick. Bravo, Jenica!
The first-ever Green MP outside British Columbia talks about Western alienation, support for oil and gas workers, Aboriginal education,...
I'm delighted to announce that I'll be guest speaker at the Maine Green Independent Party convention this weekend in Augusta Maine, USA.
My presentation will focus on the recent election victories of Paul Manly in British Columbia, Peter Bevan-Baker and the Green Party of Prince Edward Island, as well as the Hydro Québec/Central Maine transmission line...
Alex Tyrrell fait campagne avec le Parti Vert de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard dans ce qui est devenu une victoire historique ; les Verts ont remporté 9 des 27 sièges à l'Assemblée législative provinciale et sont devenus l'opposition officielle pour la toute première fois !
Alex Tyrrell congratulates New Brunswick Green Party candidates Kevin Arsenault, Megan Mitton and David Coon on their election victories on a progressive platform. These victories are an inspiration to Quebec Greens.
Excellent article de couverture dans le journal The Concordian cette semaine soulignant certaines de mes préoccupations et critiques à l'égard du projet de pipeline d'Energy East et des audiences entachées de l'Office national de l'énergie.
Excellent presentation by members of the Elsipogtog Mi'kMaq First Nation tonight at Concordia.
In 2013, after months of direct action, road blockades and political pressure, members of the Mi'kMaq Nation succeeded in ending the hydraulic fracturing in New Brunswick. They were brutalized...
Alex Tyrrell félicite Peter Bevan Barker pour avoir remporté le premier siège vert à l’Î.-P.-É.
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Tonight I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to Mr. Peter Beaven Barker, the leader and first elected Green in the history of Prince Edward Island!
Mr. Beaven-Barker has led a progressive campaign based on the principles of environmental protection and social justice.
His platform includes the implementation of...
On Monday night, New Brunswick made history by electing the leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick to the Legislative Assembly. The people also elected a majority Liberal government that had previously called for a moratorium on shale gas. The new premier, Brian Gallant, has 32 years of...
The Green Party denounces the about-face of Daniel Breton and the Parti Québécois on oil drilling
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The PVQ denounces the about-face of Daniel Breton and the Parti Québécois
The Canadian Press: The position taken by the man who co-founded the Quebec Green Party in 2001 has aroused the ire of the party's current leader, Alex Tyrrell.
"We are extremely disappointed by what...