The leader of Quebec's Green Party has said that he is considering running to succeed Elizabeth May and that the party needs to develop a platform that the Canadian left can rally behind. Although the leader of the federal Green Party has not confirmed that she plans to step down,...
The leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, has appointed two deputy leaders for the duration of the federal leadership race, which was ratified by the political organization's National Executive. They are Alice Sécheresse and Halimatou Bah, two great activists, spokespersons and...
Thanks to Dr. Catherine Richardson, Director of the First Peoples Studies Program at Concordia University, for her support in this campaign for a new mandate as leader of the Green Party of Quebec.    
Congratulations to Annamie Paul! After a long and arduous leadership race, the members of the Green Party of Canada have spoken: Annamie Paul will lead the Greens into the next federal election! Annamie Paul's election is a historic moment for Canada. She is...
Today, I'm announcing my support for Dimitri Lascaris in the race for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada! I fully support Dimitri Lascaris, because I believe he has what it takes to unite the party around bold policies, and has a clear vision for the future of Canada and for...
Montreal, September 04, 2020 - On September 03, 2020, the Green Party of Quebec (PVQ) organized one of the Quebec debates for the Green Party of Canada leadership candidates. The debate, which featured Meryam Haddad, Dimitri Lascaris, David Merner, Annamie Paul, Courtney Howard and Glenn...
+ Here is the text of the speech he gave at the announcement: I'm here today to announce my candidacy for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada! I am entering the race because I believe the Green Party of Canada has the potential to unite and...
To protect public health and the most venerable, I've decided to suspend my Green New Deal tour of Canada in order to follow the recommendations established by public health experts. I will resume the tour when conditions improve and the situation permits. In the meantime, I...
Here's the text of my speech! Good morning everyone, thank you for joining us this morning here in Montreal on the unceded aboriginal lands of the Kanien'kehá:ka nation. Last week, I asked the National Council of the Green Party of Quebec to call a vote of confidence in my leadership in order to...