Dario Hunter, candidate for the U.S. Green Party presidential nomination, visits the Green Party of Quebec central office to meet members and give a speech. Dario Hunter is an ecosocialist running on a bold progressive platform for change in the United States. The event also...
I was on the Leap Manifesto podcast Change Everything with Elizabeth May, Avi Lewis and Maya Menezes. We had a great conversation about the inner workings of the Green Party of Canada, the tar sands and why, in my opinion, the federal Greens is the most viable option for...
I was on CKUT 90.3 FM earlier this week to talk about the Alberta tar sands, proportional representation in Quebec and climate change! Thanks to Ryan N. Young for inviting me on his Ecolibrium show! https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2356421994571082
Dans sa dernière chronique, Thomas Mulcair me qualifie de " fougueux et intelligent ". " Bien que je ne sois pas d'accord avec plusieurs de ses politiques, je suis certainement d'accord avec lui sur ce point ! 😂😂😂 Merci Tom ! https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2351228991757049 Read the article here 
I am very pleased to introduce Wissal Alaoui, the new General Manager of the Green Party of Quebec! Wissal is serious, hard-working and determined to advance the values of our political party on the provincial scene. Her involvement with our organization began with an internship she completed in the...
- Is Pierre Nantel compatible with the Green Party of Canada? - At a time when the NDP has just dismissed MP Pierre Nantel from its caucus, allegedly for flirting with the Green Party, it's necessary to ask the question: are his values compatible with our movement? Pierre Nantel is known for...
Alex Tyrrell a rencontré les candidates vertes Bridget Burns et Jessie Brown lors de ses voyages à Vancouver et a pris la parole lors d'un événement de campagne pour Suzanne de Montigny. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2327985437414738&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCJZglKu6S-Ni2e-TvZ0rzBWhH0-hyWwJz_j6c_BXNBXQ8ElJKMy15JNsDw_v20FCd6P4IddWwRHuiSRm-o3tmviW1rHef0_vNKGAsTNtFviF9NrwEZcpRcXhwEJuH5oITpggvtURyfasfEUzJbw7s_ZqqbB1poZX-QDEpzN5Lyc-XRqDT9r9SvriKPGQEKbX04URAJdIxm1YbLzRsfS-BD_BaNnqL86Nd2FOZ71-mX4r1Yb6GLR2VX11gG78CK7FKo&__tn__=-R https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2328579957355286&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3
Alex Tyrrell and Cree elder Raymond Robinson speak outside the Trans Mountain Kinder Morgan tank farm in Burnaby, B.C., declaring their solidarity with B.C.'s efforts to fight the construction of an additional pipeline. https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/videos/2325169771029638/
Excellente discussion avec Jason Prince, auteur du livre Free Public Transit : Et pourquoi nous ne payons pas pour utiliser les ascenseurs avec de nombreux citoyens au bureau du Parti Vert ce soir ! Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé ! 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2304220993124516&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2298996920313590