Today marks the 13th anniversary of the Dawson College Shooting of 2006. On that day I was just minutes away from entering the cafeteria when a 25 year old isolated individual burst in with a semi automatic weapon and handgun and began firing on students killing 18 year old...
Thank you to everyone who came out this afternoon to call for the release of Concordia professor Homa Hoodfar. As an academic community we have a responsibility to stand up for our incarcerated peers and to vigorously defend academic freedom around the world. Make no mistake; Dr Hoodfar's life is on...
The Green Party of Quebec condemns the decision of the UQAM administration to use the courts, police services and political expulsions to oppress the political expression of its students and professors. "The actions taken by the provincial government and the UQAM administration are aimed at systematically oppressing the right of...
The first year of the Couillard government is celebrated today. This period was marked by a significant decline in environmental protection, social equality and access to essential public services. We have a government that imposes austerity measures on a scale that the Charest administration would not have dared to propose. If...
In politics there is always an array of issues on the table at any given time. If elected to the National Assembly these will be my priorities: - Ensuring all citizens benefit from our natural resource wealth Ending unfair taxpayer subsidies to the mining industry Ending shale gas exploration and...
A coalition of teachers concerned about major shortfalls of the Quebec public school history curriculum gave top marks to the Green Party of Quebec who has pledged to reform the curriculum to make it more inclusive and accurate.
Today I would like to affirm my strong support for free education. Free education is one of the best ways to ensure accessibility to education regardless of the financial resources the student has. For too long the government has tried to raise the price of education. It is this commodification...
On 19 March 2013, I was illegally and arbitrarily arrested, searched, handcuffed behind my back for hours and detained for almost 6 hours all for peacefully protesting the indexation of tuition fees imposed by the Parti Québecois government. Today, five years later, the court of appeal has just confirmed that...
From Le Délit (LD): You define your program as an "eco-socialist" program: what does that mean? Alex Tyrrell (AT): Eco-socialist, means taking care of the environment and the people at the same time. We are proposing a platform that contains a lot of environmental initiatives, but it is also about curbing...