The Green Party of Quebec is announcing our support for the student movement and all those who stand up to protect public services against the neo-liberal austerity regime imposed by Philippe Couillard's Liberal government.
Alex Tyrrell, leader of the GPQ, was among the strikers at Concordia today, the university where...
Austerity for us, gifts for them.
While the Couillard government imposes cuts in public health care, education, the environment and pension plans, it gives huge gifts to its multinational friends in the Plan Nord.
We must ask ourselves questions about their motives. According to a report in Le Devoir, subsidies to...
From The Link: "We think that free education is the only way to guarantee that there are no financial barriers to post-secondary education, so for us, it's a question of social justice," said Alex Tyrrell, who was a 25-year-old Concordia student pursuing a degree in environmental science when he...
"Tyrrell, who has been in charge of the Green Party since September 2013, described how the Party itself brings issues to the spotlight which would otherwise be ignored by Quebec's mainstream political parties and media.
Under his leadership, Tyrrell says the Greens have "transformed into an eco-socialist party," and attempted to...
Thank you to the students from École Polytechnique who attended my presentation today on viable and sustainable energy scenarios for Quebec as part of Energy Week.
Thank you also to Patrick Dupuis-Dufresne and all the members of the Poly-Énergies club for their invitation to participate in this exchange of ideas...
Alex Tyrrell Calls For Resignation of Education Minister Over Comments Student Strikers Should Be Expelled
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On Wednesday, on the eve of a strike by more than 120,000 students across Quebec, the Minister of Education is openly suggesting that university rectors to "expel two or three students every day".
The Ménard commission on the events of spring 2012 severely criticized the government of the day for...