The Green Party of Quebec wants the Horne smelter to close if it is unable to comply with current Quebec standards.
While in the region, its leader, Alex Tyrrell, found it distressing that the Horne Smelter was authorized by the last Liberal government to emit up to 100 nanograms per...
I had an excellent meeting with Marc Nantel of the Regroupement Vigilance Mines Abitibi-Témiscamingue in Val-d'Or to discuss the many environmental issues in the region.
It was a privilege to discuss with someone who is involved on a volunteer basis, almost full time, for his region, for the health of...
The Green Party of Quebec proposes a positive and daring vision for Quebec. An eco-socialist society that promotes the environment, peace, democracy, economic equity and living together in an inclusive Quebec that is open to the world.
Through our 2022 program, the New Green Plan for Quebec, the Green Party...
In an interview with La Presse I explained that the Green Party of Quebec aims to reduce the consumption of animal products in Quebec by 50% by 2035.
This issue is a blind spot in the environmental programs of other parties. Animal agriculture is destroying our forests while polluting our...
I would like to take a moment to comment on the public health crisis in Rouyn-Noranda, where residents are being subjected to massive amounts of arsenic and heavy metal air pollution from the smelter.
Unfortunately, this situation is not unique to Quebec, in the Limolou district of Quebec City, residents...
Had a great time collecting water samples on Beaven Lake this weekend! Our lake association is hard at work monitoring water quality in a number of key tributaries and bays. Last year our tests revealed elevated labels of phosphorous and fecal coliform after heavy rainfall the tributaries that are...
Today I visited the picket line in front of the SQDC in Chateauguay with our local candidate Nadia Baksh to support the cannabis workers in their strike!
We had a good discussion with Maxime Couture who is the shop steward for the branch. He explained to us that the wages...
"Yesterday I spoke at a peace rally in Montreal organized by the Quebec Movement for Peace/Mouvement Québécois pour la Paix. In my speech I condemned the toxic masculinity displayed by Trudeau and the G7 leaders who were literally joking to the media about ripping off their shirts to look...
I am very pleased and proud to sign the letters of authorization for the first 35 candidates of the Green Party of Quebec for the 2022 Quebec elections!
We have put together a dynamic and diverse team that is determined to shake up Quebec politics with new ideas while injecting...