I was on CBC Radio Noon today answering questions from callers along with the NDP and Conservative leaders.
Many callers were pleasantly surprised by the Green Party's platform! We are building more and more support every day!
From Le Délit (LD):
You define your program as an "eco-socialist" program: what does that mean?
Alex Tyrrell (AT): Eco-socialist, means taking care of the environment and the people at the same time. We are proposing a platform that contains a lot of environmental initiatives, but it is also about curbing...
Alex Tyrrell Talks Popelines, Austerity Measures and PCB Spill on CKUT 90.3 FM With Ryan Young
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This morning I was on Ecolibrium, CKUT Montreal for a feature interview with host Ryan N. Young.
We discussed a number of issues including the Energy East pipeline, austerity measures, the PCB spill in Pointe-Claire as well recent developments in provincial and federal politics.
The link to the broadcast is below. My part starts...
Saturday, April 29, 11:00, Beaubien metro, Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Green Party of Quebec (PVQ) will announce his candidacy in Gouin. At the age of 29, he has just completed a bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences at Concordia University. Elected GPQ leader at the age of 25, he...
"Tyrrell, who has been in charge of the Green Party since September 2013, described how the Party itself brings issues to the spotlight which would otherwise be ignored by Quebec's mainstream political parties and media.
Under his leadership, Tyrrell says the Greens have "transformed into an eco-socialist party," and attempted to...
Very happy to be featured in the new documentary Québec 4 Palestine!
My interview starts at 13:35 discussing the Green Party of Québec's support for BDS, the current climate unconditional support for the Israeli government in Canadian politics and the need to move towards a more balanced foreign policy in...
Like the rest of Quebec's party leaders, the head of Green Party is touring the province this month in a bid to win over voters.
But instead of a sleek campaign bus and nights in hotels, Alex Tyrrell is driving around in a beat up 2001 Honda Civic and sleeping in youth...
This morning I was on CBC Daybreak with Mike Finnerty to discuss the possibility of banning single use plastic bags in the city of Montreal.
I was joined by a representative of the plastic industry, who is strongly opposed to the ban. In many other jurisdictions the plastic bag industry...
On behalf of the entire team at the green party of Quebec I would like to wish you a happy holiday!
In these challenging times people are working together to stop the spread of the virus. This show of collective solidarity is as inspiring as it is difficult. We have...