I was on CBC Radio Noon today answering questions from callers along with the NDP and Conservative leaders. Many callers were pleasantly surprised by the Green Party's platform! We are building more and more support every day! https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2155007101379240
I was on the Leap Manifesto Podcast called Change Everything with Elizabeth May, Avi Lewis, and Maya Menezes. We had a great conversation about the internal workings of the Green Party of Canada, the Tar Sands and why in my opinion the GPC is the most viable option for the Canadian...
I was on CKUT 90.3 FM earlier this week talking about the Alberta Tar Sands, Proportional Representation in Quebec and climate change! Thanks to Ryan N. Young for having me on his show named Ecolibrium! https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2356421994571082
- Speech at the Taxi Industry Convention - It was an honour to address the cab industry convention earlier today in Laval and especially to have received a standing ovation. In my speech, I highlighted two of the main reasons why the Parti Vert du Québec is strongly opposed to the...
Alex Tyrrell gives feature interview to Frédéric Bérard of Métro Newspaper during the 2018 Quebec general election campaign. Questions include the role of the Green Party, the preparations for the campaign and the party's ideological foundation.   https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2145268459019771?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBQWmx0g6m-S_ctBPix8tSv3K9YUsCXTvGekizoUxYyxXUcAENWNjFTyHfqjc8j-X_ursAxAwIGZSOX889w3IB39N690sP2g2Wi5hRoMVyfr0gOFUUi_xAFbNIaPTnOWxIwLueK0TaIlgutlIq2o7wWI3GddVhOAqDsE9XU5qKXPzMqNXtpE5MLkX0sMs9cEkByCSH53PeTbgxzw5GLpjyOemCEQTXKILBJ7IeE-YRY6WApUzp1j7qj4eKy1Bawzhu8KF9ORlP4tdnH8C7jt6rero58XxKL32aaGg73Do_I44UHojWoSOINcpPDrUVkk46FTcLHHn4GmgXmZC5NhXoVGs4&__tn__=-R
Like the rest of Quebec's party leaders, the head of Green Party is touring the province this month in a bid to win over voters. But instead of a sleek campaign bus and nights in hotels, Alex Tyrrell is driving around in a beat up 2001 Honda Civic and sleeping in youth...
During the 2018 Quebec general election campaign Alex Tyrrell sits down with Mike Finnerty of CBC Montreal's Daybreak program. Subjects discussed include the party's platform and Alex's vision for the province. https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2144502569096360
Green Party leader Alex Tyrrell gives feature interview to 7 jours sur terre. Subjects discussed include the party's program, the party's proposal to build a Metro in Quebec City and many other important issues. https://www.facebook.com/7jourssurterre/videos/677166502668074/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2142662389280378&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAKb9yg-7p_ts8StJmlPXpse46rvWaAI72p0tj-1QUmZ_3P0e4QCx1LZuQ_TfgQmdPKiErec7zACNvEEoV0lMxrvwhGC0ToF9S6qA8f4wZdgmjnDImFH_WTjT1cMM9Hg-W9tFLy6TZKr4Q1T7ACfUl6DGXUOZ3NbFV2U0OPgyNrDKlpugP0MN0coelr5tLta7Zjmr-4RreUNoiT&__tn__=-R
I was at Le Devoir yesterday talking about the 2018 election platform of the Green Party of Quebec our plans for public transit, environmental protection, social justice, anti-racism and why I am involved in Quebec politics. https://www.facebook.com/ledevoir/videos/312013999603029/?fbclid=IwAR0dSm39ijUJZcofzzWlIChlg-exRocllBUSiSYNWcoaVw5rjMGVEq46Rpc https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2142164279330189&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2142669912612959