Today I attended a demonstration against the Legault government's immigration reform.
While students were speaking, members of extreme right groups entered the crowd and began pushing people while screaming racist slogans right as the speeches were getting underway.
The police intervened quickly, but not quickly enough in my opinion. The...
Alex Tyrrell issued the following statement on November 12, 2019
Over the past few weeks, Bolivia has been torn apart by protests and an anti-democratic coup d'etat.
Following elections that Evo Morales won on the first round with 47% of the...
The Legault government is out of line in attacking foreign students who, after spending years in Quebec, would like to be part of our society.
It is a heartless gesture that will break up families, friendships, professional relations and destroy opportunities for many young immigrants.
As I have already said, the...
Read the article on CBC
The leader of the Green Party of Quebec said he's considering running to be Elizabeth May's successor and that the party needs to develop a platform that Canada's left can rally behind.
While the federal Green Party leader has not confirmed that she is planning to step...
I took part in Extinction Rébellion Québec's "Slow swarms" action in downtown Montreal today!
The climate crisis will not be solved without a mass movement, demonstrations and direct action. Let's stay mobilized!
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec
Alex Tyrrell Marches In Historic Climate Protest With Greta Thunberg, Green Party Delegation
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Alex Tyrrell and Green Party members took part in a historic climate march in Montreal with Greta Thunberg and 500k people! Protestors called on governments to take action to curb catastrophic climate change.
The Green Party of Quebec calls for a public inquiry into the manufacture of weapons in Quebec
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The Green Party of Quebec calls for a public inquiry into the manufacture of weapons in Quebec
Today, we have learned in the Journal de Montréal that Quebec allows a significant number of companies to manufacture bombs and military equipment in the province.
Although some information remains secret, we already know...
I am deeply inspired by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who made history last night as the youngest woman to ever be elected to the US Congress at just 29 years old.
One year before the election she was working in a restaurant. Now she is on the forefront of progressive politics with...
Alex Tyrrell and Green Party candidate Melanie Messier announces Quebec Green Party's position on Hydro Québec and hydro dams as well as the party's opposition to collaboration between Hydro Québec and the Israel Power Cooperation. He is joined by Miranda Gallo of Canadians for justice and peace in the...