- Our last midnight sun before heading to BC - Visiting the small northern town of Tuktoyaktuk along the coast of Canada's Western Arctic has been an excellent experience! Over the past few days, the people of Tuktoyaktuk have literally opened their homes to us. We have had many very interesting...
- Great News! Canada's Sub Arctic is Getting Its First University! - Last week the Yukon Legislature passed a bill ordering the establishment of Yukon University which will become the first University in Canada's North. To make things even better, indigenous nations will have a meaningful role in elaborating the content...
Last stop on my tour of Abitibi-Témiscamingue and the Laurentians; a stop at the Residences Stephen Jake Beaven in Montcalm Quebec where a coalition of local residents built and paid for a fully functional medical clinic only to be told, after the construction was complete, that the provincial government...
Alex Tyrrell attends a protest in the northern community of La Sarre, Quebec to support healthcare workers and to oppose the new opti-lab program which will abolish the local analysis of medical samples. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1799325533614067&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDOfE1j-ySf_OmJsH6qT8r4WL-aipN4FbhSrZ5KLG4El7rj96jQQ9Xyp9lRvgF19JcdluXwKRR-GGEIqApCCYyST47HF1PaXMUeUwhqHOxt-vlXA4hv7Txg9uymJrjJct1dHIVvF0d3W1iYq-peJH6sSBR5EcBxIyWzrAYBgRP05so2eyRSQeJbs_CE-6C-vN4uI2NCrKCj-dzRo5L_6PTsq9oAt0jglZEf3wjZSgteMzpXNo37ETSOo93cLgrLxKhX&__tn__=-R https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/videos/1799323463614274/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC0wxVmd9WggXqgVsDy5lnBHg-233y-RsKS2IeDfmD8NeKgc0FxlO-_n88yrOKupoBO4MGAFREDwgSc1TnRm4mZiJnMZssSX4ThM2ZiujvQGuMS1k296A3e6Ja1zLWxk72VDMpgAYwUI6mz6LLMtLKyFNXIopxjGD3FkOTdf5XU376MchE1tW1J1eIJYzszpju1xRsIGZGxgOEkwvws5LNk1TDwA00o-wJPrRjXImmsSsiXbOg8NO-snxJU3yyeKVIhQJSoTMJwAA&__tn__=-R