
The Green Party of Quebec is committed to an ecosocialist vision, which involves protecting the environment while providing quality public services to the population. We are deeply concerned about social inequalities and the need to build a fairer, more equitable society. Economic justice For the...


The environment is our legacy to future generations, and we have an obligation to leave them a sustainable future. The Green Party of Quebec aims to protect the environment and reduce the consequences of climate change. We seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions drastically, in order to...


Fighting privatization The Green Party of Quebec strongly opposes any privatization of our healthcare system. On the contrary, the public healthcare system must be celebrated, strengthened and better financed. We believe that all Quebecers should have access to quality, timely and affordable health care...
Introducing education as a universal second language Learning a second language is one more tool our young people can master to open their horizons, pursue new opportunities and communicate with the rest of the world. That's why the Green Party of Quebec supports the introduction of second-language education...


  Social housing The PVQ considers housing to be a fundamental right to which everyone should have access. The PVQ believes that state intervention in certain sectors is necessary to ensure that citizens' rights are respected. Based on various FRAPRU recommendations, the PVQ proposes to : Strengthen...
Community greenhouse project The Green Party of Quebec is proposing to tackle the problem of imported food by building a vast network of public urban and rural greenhouses powered by hydro-electricity. These greenhouses will be built by Hydro-Québec through a new subsidy program before being handed over to local communities...


The Green Party of Quebec is a left-wing federalist party that differs from classical Canadian federalism. Our eco-socialist program is fully achievable within Canada, and we are committed to working with progressive people across Canada for the protection of the environment and the...

Social justice

Follow the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: This Commission made 94 recommendations aimed at improving relations with the country's First Nations. The Green Party of Quebec supports all of these recommendations, which will apply to the provincial jurisdiction, in a comprehensive...