Today, we flew around Alberta's oil sands. This global industrial project has replaced a once-thriving boreal forest with a mixture of toxic surfaces and tailings ponds.
Before coming here in person, I knew things were bad, but...
Alex Tyrrell Parle d’Éco-Socialisme et des Sables Bitumineux avec les Vert d’Alberta à Edmonton
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Thank you to Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes, Leader of the Green Party of Alberta, and the dozens of Green Party members who came to talk about extractivism and the real costs of the oil sands tonight at the Edmonton Public Library!
Contrary to popular belief in the rest of Canada, it...
Excellente discussion et échange d'idées avec les membres du Parti vert du Manitoba à Winnipeg ce soir !
Notre tournée sur la réalité des sables bitumineux se poursuit demain en Saskatchewan, puis en Alberta !
Alex Tyrrell
Chef du Parti Vert du Québec
Alex Tyrrell annonce qu’il se rendra aux sables bitumineux avec l’aîné autochtone Raymond Robinson
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I'm delighted to announce that I'll be heading to Alberta next week to visit the oil sands with my good friend and ally Raymond Robinson!
Raymond Robinson is a member and elder of the Cross Lake First Nation (Cree: Pimicikamāk Nīhithawī) in northern Manitoba. He is...
Alex Tyrrell applaudit le recul de GPC dans l’acheminement du pétrole des sables bitumineux au Québec
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- Update on the Canadian Greens' position on the oil sands -
A few days ago, I issued a statement expressing my profound disagreement with the Green Party of Canada's position that oil from the tar sands should be consumed in...
This afternoon, I appeared on CBC's As It Happens to discuss my opposition to the tar sands, fossil fuel subsidies and the need for the Green Party of Canada to stand in solidarity with the environmental movement on these very important issues.
Alex Tyrrell sur le soutien du PVC pour les sables bitumineux : « Je ne peux pas en bonne conscience défendre cette position »
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- Canadian Green position on oil -
Since Elizabeth May unveiled her environmental agenda, many of you have asked me about her support for tar sands oil, and rightly so.
What Mrs. May is proposing is to ban oil imports in order to encourage...
Alex Tyrrell takes part in a demonstration outside the offices of Quebec's public pension fund, calling on the institution to divest from fossil fuels, the tar sands and other extractive and unethical industries.
Today, I was in Montreal East with Valérie Fortier to announce some of the policies of the Green Party of Quebec in the fight against the oil industry.
We propose :
A carbon tax of 200 $ per tonne of CO2 (0.46 $ per liter of gasoline)
Free public transit and several projects...