Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that affects nearly 10% of women. A little-known and often taboo disease, women who suffer from the disease encounter many difficulties before receiving a diagnosis and treatment. According to EndoAct Canada, women with endometriosis see, on average, 5 to 7 doctors before receiving a diagnosis and the estimated cost of endometriosis is $1.8 billion per year for Canada. Endometriosis is a disease that is very difficult to diagnose, and women who are affected are often victims of medical wandering, in addition to the unbearable pain that endometriosis causes. They are therefore handicapped in their professional and personal lives, unable to carry out certain tasks, and endometriosis sometimes imposes changes in their lives that are not chosen and imposed by this disease. It also poses a problem during ordinary tasks because it sometimes causes unbearable pain to the point that some women are unable to walk. Teenagers affected by endometriosis are 10 times more likely to miss days of school than other teenagers, thus impacting them 10 times more on their schooling and therefore on their future. Adults with endometriosis lose approximately 11 hours of work per week (Endo Act).
Endometriosis is therefore a disease with social, economic and professional consequences for women who suffer from it. The Green Party of Quebec proposes to raise awareness, provide information and communication throughout the province so that the disease is known and better managed. At the same time, we will invest in research and the development of care networks and the training of health care professionals in order to put an end to medical errancy so that a diagnosis is made as quickly as possible. These measures will be combined with agreements with employers so that a reduction in tasks or telecommuting can be offered to women with the disease.