Translated From La Presse:
Ses affiches électorales sont de taille bien plus modeste que celles de son adversaire libéral. Mais il ne faut pas s'y tromper. Alex Tyrrell, étudiant en sciences environnementales à l'Université Concordia, défend les couleurs du deuxième parti de Jacques-Cartier: le Parti vert...
My comments in The Link this week regarding the federal NDP's Intern Protection Bill.
« Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Green Party of Quebec, says his party is “generally in favour of the bill.” However, the Greens also “want to make sure any legislation like this doesn’t stop anyone from doing volunteer...
Green Party of Canada delegates have just voted to endorse Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against the Israeli government at the federal convention in Ottawa!
Congratulations to all the party members, who worked hard to advocate for human rights in the face of harsh criticism, intimidation and smear campaigns carried...
Alex Tyrrell appeared on one of the most listened to CBC Radio shows during the 2018 Quebec General election to discuss the party's platform, progressive federalism and a range of important campaign issues.
Right now in Indonesia, fires that were intentionally set to quickly and cheaply clear land for palm oil and paper exports are burning out of control. As much as 1/3 of the global habitat for Orangutans is under threat.
The fires have created a thick haze across Malaysia and Singapore...
Alex Tyrrell Highlights Positive Coverage of Green Party BDS Endorsement in a Series of Posts
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Alex Tyrrell highlights positive coverage of the Green Party of Canada's 2016 endorsement of Boycott divestment and sanctions against the state of Israel over the mistreatment of the Palestinian people and the killings of innocent civilians and children.
Alex Tyrrell appeared on City News Montreal to discuss his potential bid for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada following the resignation of Elizabeth May as leader of the federal Greens.
As Canada marks 150 years since confederation there are still many problems with the country we call home.
Canada is a colonial state built on unceded native land. Since the arrival of europeans in the 1500s our legacy towards the indigenous population has been shameful. We have stolen land. We...
Since Ricochet Media published some of Elizabeth May’s leaked emails last week, several people have asked me to comment on the particular quote where she incorrectly states that I “without regard to the Quebec green constitution, removed elected members.”
Although I have already made the following facts clear to both...