Great march for missing and murdered Aboriginal women today. Despite repeated requests, demonstrations, and statistics, the federal government refuses to act and confront institutional racism against Aboriginal peoples, particularly women. Let us continue to take to the streets for justice. Despite statistics, mobilization and facts, the problems are getting worse and discrimination...
At a time when the United States is abruptly rolling back 50 years of progress on women's rights, the Green Party of Quebec supports U.S. feminists in their ongoing fight for human rights. Criminalizing abortion would allow for even more oppressive religious policies. Safe abortions must be guaranteed for...
I am extremely disappointed that Elizabeth May is opening the door to candidates who will use their status in the Green Party to reopen the abortion debate. This is 2019. Women should have the right to choose. The Green Party should not be pandering to the religious right. Contrairement à ce...
I call for the immediate resignation of Gerry Sklavounos who refuses to apologize for sexual harassment. This man represents rape culture in the National Assembly and he must go.
From Le Délit (LD): You define your program as an "eco-socialist" program: what does that mean? Alex Tyrrell (AT): Eco-socialist, means taking care of the environment and the people at the same time. We are proposing a platform that contains a lot of environmental initiatives, but it is also about curbing...
Today marks 30 years since the Polytechnique shooting in which 14 innocent women were killed and many others injured in the worst massacre in recent Quebec history. As a survivor of the 2006 Dawson College shooting, I cannot begin to express my feelings towards the victims and their families. Things...
Alex Tyrrell gives feature interview in a Green Party of Quebec campaign video. He comments on eco-socialism, the need for a more inclusive Quebec and explains some of the bold ideas that the greens are putting forward in this election.
Thank you to everyone who came out this afternoon to call for the release of Concordia professor Homa Hoodfar. As an academic community we have a responsibility to stand up for our incarcerated peers and to vigorously defend academic freedom around the world. Make no mistake; Dr Hoodfar's life is on...
Today Élisabeth Grégoire and I held a press conference to announce our policy against catcalling and street harassment in Quebec. We are proposing the adoption of a new provincial law that prohibits street harassment by imposing fines on offenders. While a law against street harassment (cat calling) will not solve all...