Dear members and supporters of the Green Party of Quebec, Following the election I would like to share with you some of my conclusions. First and foremost, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support, your encouragement, your actions, and your contribution to the green...
Alex Tyrrell as well as Green Party candidates and supporters are interviewed by CTV Montreal while campaigning in the 2014 Quebec general election campaign. The piece contains scenes filmed at Green Party HQ and out on the campaign trail.
Alex Tyrrell and Green Party candidates present the party's 2014 election platform. The platform is titled the Eco-Socialist Option for Quebec and contains many comprehensive proposals for the future of the province.
The Green Party of Québec is in complete agreement with the motion by Guillaume Lavoie of the Projet Montréal team regarding the unfair increase in electricity rates for the STM. The Government of Québec must intervene to correct this ridiculous situation. On our side, the GPQ believes that transmission companies...