As Canada marks 150 years since confederation there are still many problems with the country we call home. Canada is a colonial state built on unceded native land. Since the arrival of europeans in the 1500s our legacy towards the indigenous population has been shameful. We have stolen land. We...
Thank you to everyone who came out for a great discussion at the North Bay #BDS Town Hall with Dimitri Lascaris last night! It was an excellent experience to hear from the people of Northern Ontario on this and other important issues such as the Energy East pipeline. I am now heading to Temiscaming, Qc...
Today I attended a demonstration against the Legault government's immigration reform. While students were speaking, members of extreme right groups entered the crowd and began pushing people while screaming racist slogans right as the speeches were being getting underway. The police intervened quickly, but not quickly enough in my opinion. The...
Each February is an opportunity for Canadians to reflect on the history of Black people in Canada and to honour their many contributions to Canadian society. Black History Month is essential to living together as it allows us to become more aware of the place of Black men and...
As Manitoba's Premier has just launched an advertising campaign to attract Quebec's religious minorities to Manitoba. Quebec should be ashamed of the image we project across Canada and around the world. Bill 21 is racist and discriminatory. This is a populist bill introduced by a right-wing government that seeks to...
Read the article on CBC The leader of the Green Party of Quebec said he's considering running to be Elizabeth May's successor and that the party needs to develop a platform that Canada's left can rally behind. While the federal Green Party leader has not confirmed that she is planning to step...
Alex Tyrrell issued the following statement on November 12, 2019 Over the past few weeks, Bolivia has been torn apart by protests and an anti-democratic coup d’etat. Following elections that Evo Morales won on the first round with 47% of the...
The Legault government is out of line in attacking foreign students who, after spending years in Quebec, would like to be part of our society. It is a heartless gesture that will break up families, friendships, professional relations and destroy opportunities for many young immigrants. As I have already said, the...
Green Party of Quebec leader Alex Tyrrell issued the following statement in response to the Kanehsatake hunger strike by Al Harrington as it enters its 14th day. « We call on the Legault government to implement a short term moratorium on development of the Kanien’keh home lands in Kanehsatake and to immediately pursue a...