Alex Tyrrell traveled to New Brunswick to support indigenous anti-fracking protestors who have been taking direct actions to stop the industry from exploring the shale formations on their territory.
Today I am happy to announce the launch of my campaign to become the next leader of the Green Party of Québec. I have made this decision in an effort to bring progressive policies to the forefront of Québec politics. Our province needs leadership. This campaign will be driven...
PHOTO: MARCO CAMPANOZZI, LA PRESSE Translated From La Presse: Ses affiches électorales sont de taille bien plus modeste que celles de son adversaire libéral. Mais il ne faut pas s'y tromper. Alex Tyrrell, étudiant en sciences environnementales à l'Université Concordia, défend les couleurs du deuxième parti de Jacques-Cartier: le Parti vert...
During the 2012 Quebec Election Campaign Alex Tyrrell posted the following text addressing the reasons not to vote Liberal. - Law 78, the attack on civil liberties, and failure to resolve the student strike Instead of having a dialogue with students the government passed Bill 78 which severely restricts freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and civil...