
For a universal, single-payer pharmaceutical program.

The current situation with prescription drugs in Quebec is unacceptable; while the big companies are making record profits, Quebecers are being forced to pay more and more out of pocket. This situation puts some Quebecers, especially seniors, at a disadvantage. Some have to choose between buying medicine or food.

This phenomenonomene is nothing new. The current system doesn't meet the needs of the population, favors big business, and preys on low-income citizens and seniors in particular. It's high time we installed a system that favors us, the people, instead of big business.

The solution is simple. We've already had a public, universal, free-for-all healthcare system for years. A universal, public, single-payer pharmaceutical system will eliminate the false choice between food and drugs.

In Quebec, we have all the means necessary to take care of our people.

A universal, single-payer system will save us administrative costs and allow us to consolidate our purchasing power. We'll also be entitled to a reduction in the fees sent to private insurers, who are currently making huge profits on the backs of the people, and seniors, of Quebec.

Let's unite Quebec around progressive ideas,

Alex Tyrrell
Candidate for the leadership of the Green Party of Quebec



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