
Excellent presentation by members of the Elsipogtog Mi'kMaq First Nation tonight at Concordia.

In 2013, after several months of direct action, road blockades and political pressure, members of the Mi'kMaq Nation succeeded in putting an end to hydraulic fracturing in New Brunswick. They were brutalized by members of the RCMP on several occasions. A pregnant woman was arrested, rights were violated and many people were insulted. Phile hydraulic fracturing trucks tried to perform systemic tests, escorted by heavily armed police, Conservative Premier David Alward refused to negotiate with protesters.

These demonstrations were the first in Canada to oppose hydraulic fracturing. They brought together indigenous and non-indigenous environmentalists and demonstrated that when we stick together, we can stop powerful industries in their tracks.

Let's stand in solidarity with the Mi'kmaq First Nation and all those who participated in and supported these events.

Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec.


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