Today I launched my campaign in the Roberval by-election!
I'm coming to Roberval to present Quebec's New Green Plan to the local population, to listen to their concerns and to lay the foundations of our party in the region for the 2022 general election.
This by-election represents the first time in our party's 34-year history that Roberval voters will have the opportunity to voter green at the provincial level.
Je suis donc très fier d’être le premier candidat vert à présenter sa candidature dans la circonscription de Roberval. Notre parti a triplé ses appuis lors des dernières élections. Nous sommes en pleine croissance et nous souhaitons offrir l’opportunité aux gens du Lac Saint Jean de faire partie de cette vague Verte.
On a local level, I'd like to promote the benefits of voting reform for the region. During the election campaign, Premier Couillard stated on numerous occasions that reforming the voting system to a mixed member proportional system would be disadvantageous for the region. Nothing could be further from the truth. Under a proportional system, the people of the region would be represented by more than one MNA and more than one political party, allowing issues to move forward even more quickly. What's more, the parties that signed the New Democracy Movement (MDN) or the PVQ, CAQ, PQ and QS commit to not reducing the political weight of the regions. A proportional voting system is a win-win situation for everyone.
This by-election represents my tenth campaign for a seat in the national assembly since 2012. I'm more determined than ever to advance ecology, social justice and the Green Party of Quebec on the provincial stage. Through this campaign, I'll be putting forward a wide range of progressive ideas to the public. Several announcements will be made in the coming weeks.
I invite anyone interested in joining our movement to register on our website.
Together, we'll change Quebec!
In solidarity,
Alex Tyrrell
Candidate in Roberval
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec