Green parties around the world share common values that are expressed in the Global Greens Charter. The six main ideas, on which the Green Party of Quebec is based, are :
- promoting ecological health
- not being responsible for the extinction of species
- recognizing the wisdom of Aboriginal peoples
- Recognizing the limits of natural resources
- preserving ecosystems and biodiversity
- embracing the precautionary principle
- supporting the equitable distribution of resources
- ensuring the satisfaction of basic needs, such as water, food, housing, etc.
- by affirming the right to development for all
- building a stable and just global economy
- by bridging the gap between North and South
- eliminating poverty and illiteracy
- guaranteeing equal rights regardless of gender, race, age, religion, class, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, wealth or health.
- promoting bioregional democracy
- helping individuals to be autonomous, voluntary and participatory
- supporting the right of all adults to vote
– by guaranteeing the right to the political affiliation of one’s choice within a multi-party system.
- by promoting a culture of peace and cooperation
- by establishing a global concept of security, as well as a global system of conflict prevention, management and resolution
- eliminating the causes of war, such as racism and poverty
- by promoting general disarmament, especially of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, anti-personnel mines and depleted uranium weapons;
- limiting over-consumption
- focusing on quality of life
- meeting current needs without compromising the needs of future generations
- limiting population growth
- by promoting local development
- by taking into account the environmental price of a good or a service in its global price
- by encouraging industries to follow the principles of sustainable development
- for the respect of minorities
- for the right of all to a living environment that promotes dignity, well-being and health
- for harmonious relations
- for the recognition of the right of peoples
- for equality between men and women