
Jeanne-Céline Ngalle-Miano is the Green Party of Quebec's new Spokesperson on Housing. Arriving from Cameroon at the age of 18, she settled in Montreal and graduated from the Université du Québec à Montréal in 2016 with a bachelor's degree in political science. She is currently a master's student in public and international policy.

« Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir Jeanne-Céline Ngalle-Miano au sein du Cabinet fantôme du Parti Vert du Québec, désormais en charge de l’important dossier du logement et de l’habitation. Mme Ngalle-Miano combine : expérience, connaissances et passion. Trois compétences essentielles pour s’attaquer avec force et rigueur aux enjeux liés à la crise du logement et de l’habitation au Québec. C’est une fierté pour moi d’annoncer sa nomination » said Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Quebec Green Party. 

Jeanne-Céline is deeply interested in issues of social equity and justice. For her, these issues are part of the values at the heart of living together, and are fundamental to a healthy society that respects everyone.

Thanks to her background in political science and her life experience, Jeanne-Céline has developed a critical but fair eye for the social realities that make up the daily lives of all citizens. With this in mind, as Spokesperson for Housing, she is determined and convinced to defend everyone's fundamental right to decent, affordable housing, while ensuring that this right applies to every citizen, without discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, sexual orientation or social status.


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