Home Canada Le PVQ félicite Annamie Paul lors de l’élection partielle de Toronto-Centre Canada Le PVQ félicite Annamie Paul lors de l’élection partielle de Toronto-Centre October 26, 2020 555 0 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Admin Félicitations à Annamie Paul pour sa solide deuxième place lors de l’élection partielle de Toronto-Centre ! With over 33% of the vote, Annamie has exceeded expectations, increasing the party's support in this district almost fivefold! RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR In the news Fines for non-vaccinators should be proportional to income Canada Bill 21: Welcome to Canadian Solidarity Canada Early childhood educators' events Canada Alex Tyrrell manifeste pour la paix et contre l’achat des avions de chasse Party news PVQ congratulates Naomi Hunter on her victory with the Green Party of Saskatchewan Canada The Green Party of British Columbia is here to stay! Canada Annamie Paul s’est entretenue avec le PVQ, soutenant plusieurs causes du parti Canada Alex Tyrrell congratulates Annamie Paul as the new leader of the Green Party of Canada Party news Alex Tyrrell s’oppose à la destruction de lacs au pays LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.