
On Thursday, March 10, 2022, the Green Party of Quebec presented its candidate for the by-election in Marie-Victorin in Longueuil, party leader Alex Tyrrell.

Alex Tyrrell is an eco-socialist activist who was elected leader of the Green Party of Quebec in 2013 at the age of 25. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Concordia University as well as a college diploma from Dawson College in Mechanical Engineering Technology. Under his leadership, the Green Party of Quebec has positioned itself on the left of the Quebec political scene, while adopting a comprehensive program for Quebec, the new Green Plan, which contains progressive proposals on all issues of Quebec politics.
« In addition to the need to avoid a nuclear war with Russia, the priorities of my campaign will be to fix our failing health care system by adding hospitals, training more doctors and nurses and increasing capacity. I will also talk about free public transit for all – a policy that has proven successful in many Quebec cities. Protecting the western chorus frog and the few remaining wetlands in Longueuil will also be important priorities. »

« We must, as Quebecers, Canadians and Longueuillois, advocate for peace. The alternative to negotiation could be a full-scale war and a nuclear catastrophe that would make climate change look like a joke. The United States and Russia have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the surface of the planet several times over. In this campaign, a vote for the Green Party is a vote to end war through dialogue, mutual compromise and peacekeeping. »

Halimatou Bah, deputy leader of the party then noted, « I want to thank Annabelle Bouvette for agreeing to represent the Green Party in this by-election in Marie Victorin and I wish her the best in her future endeavors. I understand and respect her decision. I am saddened to see how commonplace hateful comments have become in the political arena and it is frightening to see how social networks are used as a vehicle to propagate hate and violence. […] I thank Alex for agreeing to represent the Green Party in this by-election. Alex has a lot of experience and has been a committed environmental and social justice activist for many years. To have him as a member of the National Assembly is to have a voice that wants to make Quebec a leader in the global fight against climate change and the destruction of the environment.

The values of environmental protection, multiculturalism, feminism, social justice and peace are integral to the Green Party of Quebec and that is why Alex Tyrrell would be honoured to have the support of the voters of Marie-Victorin in this by-election.


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