Gabrielle Cassagnes Lemoine
Quebec Green Party leader Alex Tyrrell took the stage on Thursday to introduce Shameem Jauffur, the Green Party's official candidate for the 2022 general election in the riding of Marquette. Together, they took a public stand on the whole issue of systemic racism, social and economic inequalities and racial profiling. The Green Party of Quebec recognizes that systemic racism is a real issue in Quebec, and one that strongly deserves to be addressed in the next election.
Alex Tyrrell and his candidate spoke about systemic racism and social and economic inequalities here in Quebec. While Quebec society is open-minded and welcoming of minorities, the fact remains that there are racist people in Quebec who sometimes occupy positions of authority over others. Faced with this reality, the Green Party of Quebec believes that it is essential for our society to take action against everyday and systemic racism, so that all Quebecers can participate fully in our society, benefit from the same opportunities as the majority, and live together without discrimination. The Green Party of Quebec is part of an eco-socialist vision, deeply concerned about social inequalities and the need to build a fairer, more equitable society. In particular, the PVQ proposes to hold a commission of inquiry into systemic racism in Quebec. "Au Parti Vert du Québec, on veut unir l’ensemble de la population derrière un projet de société éco-socialiste pour la transition énergétique rapide, pour une plus grande égalité sociale, pour un filet social dans lequel personne n’est laissé en marge. On doit faire ça tous ensemble en unissant les gens et non en créant des fossés entre les différents groupes. Le vivre ensemble est la force du Québec, la diversité fait la force du Québec. Le Parti Vert du Québec est la voix pour l’inclusion et pour un Québec inclusif; a déclaré le chef du parti, Alex Tyrrell.