Gabrielle Cassagnes Lemoine
The Green Party of Quebec has officially launched its 2022 election campaign for this fall's provincial election. The PVQ is ready to bring its demands and ideas to every corner of the province with the help of its dedicated and diverse team of candidates. The Green Party of Quebec is committed to transforming Quebec into a more inclusive, equitable, just and green society, offering future generations a truly sustainable future, with a vision in which no one is left behind and respect for the environment is at the forefront of government policy. The party is more ready than ever to take its place in the public debate and help build the Quebec of tomorrow.
Surrounded by his team and some of his candidates, Green Party leader Alex Tyrrell officially launched the Greens' campaign in a speech delivered in Verdun, in front of the PVQ offices. "It is with great pride and honor that we are here today to launch the Green Party of Quebec's 2022 election campaign. I'm so pleased to be here with our team of dynamic candidates who are ready to deliver the kind of positive change that Quebecers from all walks of life are looking for. I'm proud of this team of hard-working people who are devoting their time, energy and skills to defending a better world, a more sustainable environment and social justice," said Alex Tyrrell, during his speech.
Cette journée marquait également un moment historique pour les représentants du parti, puisqu’il s’agissait du lancement de la 10e campagne générale du Parti Vert du Québec. C’est donc depuis maintenant près de 40 ans que des citoyens progressistes se réunissent en période électorale, sous la bannière du parti, afin de prôner le changement, pour remettre en question le statu quo et pour offrir aux Québécoises et Québécoises une alternative progressiste aux principaux partis politiques.
In this campaign, the Party will put forward a bold policy package that covers every aspect of Quebec politics, from the environment to the economy, from healthcare to education, from democracy to justice. "Our platform: The New Green Planis the most comprehensive, detailed and well-defined policy document we've ever presented. This eco-socialist platform combined with our dedicated and growing team of candidates is by far the most progressive option on the ballot in this election. I'm honoured to be able to work with so many great people to build a better future," said PVQ leader Alex Tyrrell.