Home Authors Posts by Jean-Pierre Duford

Jean-Pierre Duford


L’agriculture hivernale, une bonne façon d’accroître l’autonomie alimentaire au Québec

It's possible to grow vegetables in winter. With Canada's reputation as a land of extremes, it was unimaginable to think, even for a second, about growing vegetables during the...

The great march to protect forests

The provincial government's decision in December 2020 to cancel plans to protect a hundred natural areas in southern Quebec has galvanized a group of people, with the support of various groups...

L’importance de privilégier l’agriculture urbaine

  Growing fruit and vegetables on your own plot and in a community garden is a fairly common pastime in many cities. But today, a certain craze for growing on balconies, rooftops...

Tête de file en épandage d’engrais

Text by Jean Pierre-Duford, agriculture spokesman Louis Robert, the agronomist fired by the Ministry of Agriculture on January 24 for having denounced the influence of the private pesticide sector on decisions made by CÉROM (Centre...

L’économie des forêts du Québec passe-t-elle seulement par la valeur marchande de son bois?

Lucie Cloutier / Fides A solitary caribou on the Péribonka River. From the book "Le Québec à 5 km/h". Text by Jean-Pierre Duford, Forest Protection Spokesperson The study of the forest covering Mount Kaaikop, the...

Glyphosate everywhere

Text by Jean-Pierre Duford, spokesman for Agriculture and Forest Management. Data from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency show an alarming situation: 37% of food of all kinds tested by the Agency contained traces of...