Northvolt et l’Environnement: Mythes et Réalités des Batteries
Le gouvernement Legault propose la construction d'une giga-usine de batteries à McMasterville, suscitant des controverses. Le projet soulève des questions de gouvernance, de coûts, d'emplois, d'impact environnemental et de dépendance accrue aux...
Révolte des Locataires à Montréal: Découvrez le SLAM!
RÉSISTANCE face à la CRISE du logement Le Syndicat des locataires autonomes de Montréal (SLAM) est un groupe militant pour les droits des locataires au Québec. Ils se...
Quebec politics explained to the rest of Canada
In this special episode of the Green Mentality podcast, Alex Tyrrell is interviewed by Jenna Aquino, an Ontario-born musician new to Montreal. Having decided to settle in Quebec, Jenna...
Alex Tyrrell meets Cuba's Consul General
This week, I met Cuba's Consul General in Montreal, Susana Malmierca Benitez, at an event organized by the Mouvement Québécois pour la Paix.
Alex Tyrrell visits McGill's pro-Palestinian camp
On Tuesday April 30, the leader of Quebec's Green Party went to McGill University to support the camp set up by students demanding an end to government support for the...
Green contingent at Earth Day 2024
The Green Party was present at last Sunday's demonstration to regain control of our energy future. Political inaction can no longer continue, and the time for action is long overdue...
Alex Tyrrell meets with Mouvement Québécois pour la Paix
In this conversation, Jad Kabbanji introduces the Mouvement Québécois pour la Paix (MQP) and explains his commitment to Canada's exit from NATO. He talks to Alex Tyrrell...
The Struggle for Non Binary Rights in Quebec
In this episode of La Mentalité Verte, Alexe Frédéric Mignot, an activist for the rights of non-binary people in Quebec, discusses the importance of gender identity and the recognition of...
PRESENTATION: Canada's shocking role in the Gaza genocide ft. Yves...
In this episode, Alex Tyrrell discusses the situation in Palestine with renowned author and activist Yves Engler. Topics covered include Canada's role in supporting the Palestinian...