L’agriculture hivernale, une bonne façon d’accroître l’autonomie alimentaire au Québec
Jean-Pierre Duford - 0
It's possible to grow vegetables in winter. With Canada's reputation as a land of extremes, it was unimaginable to think, even for a second, of growing vegetables during the winter months. But today, it's possible. VERY GOOD NEWS!
When the Green Party of Quebec...
The Green Party of Quebec presents its eco-socialist platform for the 2014 Quebec elections
Admin - 0
Alex Tyrrell and the Green Party candidates present the party's election platform for 2014. The platform is entitled the Eco-socialist Option for Quebec and contains many detailed proposals for the province's future.
I'm very pleased to announce that I'll be speaking about Zero Waste policies and initiatives on Tuesday evening at the Grande Bibliothèque de Montréal!
The event is organized by Climatable and the Dialogue sciences et politiques and will also feature Mariève Isabel of Montreal Urban Sustainability Experience (McGill), Sophie Bernard, Mathématiques et génie...
Alex Tyrrell attends a mass demonstration against Monsanto in the streets of Montreal with Green Party members and local activists. The march against Monsanto took place in cities and countries around the world.
Alex Tyrrell gave an in-depth interview to La Vie Agricole, a newsletter devoted to agricultural issues in the province. He outlined the Green Party's plan to ban the spraying of glyphosate and allow farmers to choose the union that...
Today, we announced our National Greenhouse Program!
The Green Party of Quebec proposes :
✅ The creation of public, self-managed greenhouses across Quebec.
✅ To offer free electricity to public greenhouses in order to produce healthy food at low cost without having to rely on imports.
✅ To...
Last night, the Green Party of Quebec made the national news on Radio-Canada to talk about our petition calling for a ban on plastic microbeads in personal care products.
New research from McGill, published earlier this week, slows down the presence of significant microplastic pollution in...
just got off the phone with federal MP Francis Scarpeleggia (PLC) to talk about the PCO spill in Pointe-Claire, which is at the heart of his constituency.
Mr. Scarpaleggia informed me that he gets most of his information from the media, such as The Gazette.
He points out that...
I'll be on CBC News Montreal tonight to comment on a report about organized crime illegally dumping toxic soil on farmland and near bodies of water in the Laurentians.
The measures announced today by Quebec City and Montreal are a step in the right direction, but...