Montreal - The leader of the Green Party of Quebec adds his voice to those of Solidarité Estrie, the Fédération étudiante de l'Université de Sherbrooke (FEUS) and the Regroupement étudiant de maîtrise, diplôme et doctorat de l'Université de Sherbrooke (REMDUS) in opposing the research partnership between the UdS and the...
Rising gun-related violence among youth in the Greater Montreal area: Alex Tyrrell calls for strengthening the social safety net through funding...
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Over the past six months, there have been more than 33 shooting incidents in the north and east of Montreal. Many people have lost their lives or been seriously injured in these incidents. Many victims refuse to cooperate...
Today marks 30 years since the Polytechnique shootings, which claimed the lives of 14 innocent women and left many injured in the worst massacre in recent Quebec history.
As a survivor of the 2006 Dawson College shooting, I can't help but...
Alex Tyrrell, un survivant de la fusillade à l’école du Collège Dawson, parle à l’occasion du 13e anniversaire
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Today marks the 13th anniversary of the 2006 Dawson College shooting. On that day, I was minutes away from entering the cafeteria when a lone 25-year-old burst in with a semi-automatic weapon and a handgun and began shooting at students, killing...
The Green Party of Quebec calls for a public inquiry into arms manufacturing in Quebec
Today, we learned from the Journal de Montréal that Quebec allows a significant number of companies to manufacture bombs and military equipment on its territory.
While some information remains secret, we do know...
The Green Party of Quebec vigorously condemns the actions of the three SPVM officers in their intervention that took the life of Nicholas Gibbs in the Montreal neighborhood of Notre-Dame-De-Grâce.
The video released today demonstrates that SPVM officers are clearly not properly trained.
During the intervention, the...
I was on CTV Montreal news at 11 p.m. last night to call for the gradual withdrawal of firearms from police officers on patrol in Quebec.
There have been too many deaths of mentally ill people who have been shot in the chest for doing...
Alex Tyrrell parle de la brutalité policière et des balles en caoutchouc lors d’une audience de la Commission de la sécurité publique – Montréal
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Alex Tyrrell speaks in the Montreal City Council chambers at a Public Security Commission hearing convened to discuss the use of rubber bullets by Montreal police. Alex Tyrrell called for an end to the use of rubber bullets...
Alex Tyrrell, Les Verts du Québec appuient la campagne contre l’utilisation par la police de balles en caoutchouc et de grenades assourdissantes
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Today, I'm announcing the support of the Green Party of Quebec for the Manifester Sans Peur campaign, which has the noble goal of enabling all Quebecers to exercise their constitutional right without fear of being injured by plastic bullets or stun grenades.
These two weapons, classified as "intermediate...