Nice day on the field in Quebec City with Sandra Mara, federal Green Party candidate in Louis Saint Laurent and Daydree Vendette, Science and Innovation spokesperson for the Green Party of Quebec!
I took part in Extinction Rébellion Québec's "Slow swarms" action in downtown Montreal today!
The climate crisis will not be solved without a mass movement, demonstrations and direct action. Let's stay mobilized!
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec
Today, the Montreal Police Force has completely prevented the Extinction Rébellion demonstration from taking to the streets.
The police officers outnumbered the demonstrators and some of them were heavily armed.
I condemn this police repression of the environmental movement.
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec
Alex Tyrrell Thanks Andrew Weaver For Remarkable Contribution To The Canadian Green Movement
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- B.C. Green Leader Andrew Weaver Steps Down -
Earlier today Andrew Weaver announced he is stepping down from his party's leadership in order to make way for a new leader and a renewed party.
Over the years Andrew Weaver has accomplished a great deal for the BC Greens. He won...
Montreal Gazette: Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Quebec Green Party (which is different from the Green Party of Canada), said he found the government and Bill 21 racist.
"If we look at who is targeted by the law, who wears religious symbols, it's visible minorities, so it's a racist law,"...
Tonight I spoke at Green Party candidate Lisa Mintz's campaign launch in the Pierrefonds Dollard riding!
Lisa is a dedicated front line environmental activist. Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of working with her to protect the Saint-Jacques Escarpment in NDG, the Technoparc Wetlands in Saint-Laurent, the...
Alex Tyrrell Reacts To 2018 Election Results, Addresses Green Party Candidates & Supporters On Election Night
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Alex Tyrrell speaks on 2018 Quebec General Election night following the results in which the Green Party tripled it's support compared to the previous election.
Alex Tyrrell Marches In Historic Climate Protest With Greta Thunberg, Green Party Delegation
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Alex Tyrrell and Green Party members took part in a historic climate march in Montreal with Greta Thunberg and 500k people! Protestors called on governments to take action to curb catastrophic climate change.
I was on CBC Radio Noon today answering questions from callers along with the NDP and Conservative leaders.
Many callers were pleasantly surprised by the Green Party's platform! We are building more and more support every day!