- Legault is breaking his promise on electoral reform - Those who have been following me for some time know that since 2014, we have worked very hard to build a consensus on the need to reform the voting system. This led to the signing of an agreement on May 9...
- Manitoba Election Results - Well, the Manitoba election has drawn to a close and we are out in Winnipeg picking up signs and absorbing the results. Unfortunately we did not end up electing the first Green in Manitoba's history last night. Our candidate Dave Nickarz made considerable gains by obtaining an...
Having a great time volunteering in the Manitoba provincial election in Winnipeg with star candidate Dave Nickarz and his team in the Wolsley district! In the last election, Dave came within 400 votes of becoming the first Green MLA in the prairies! This time he is back with a bigger team, more...
I am very pleased to announce that this Friday afternoon I will be meeting with members of Justice Minister Sonia Lebel's office to inform them of the Green Party of Quebec's proposals for reforming Quebec's voting system and democratic institutions. For nearly five years, the Green Party of Quebec has...
Translated from Sputnik France: Is the environmental movement booming in Quebec? Some people are convinced that it is. This is the case of the leader of the Quebec Green Party, Alex Tyrrell, whom Sputnik interviewed. The Quebec Greens are still not represented in the National Assembly, but they are confident...
Alex Tyrrell participates in local candidates debate during the 2018 Roberval by-election that was called to replace Philippe Couillard following his resignation. Issues discussed include healthcare, environment, regional economic development and local autonomy. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2186277534918863&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2186270331586250 https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2185941708285779?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC24mgPnvQtWSwRk4I3MyH6YQRRUiiVDaYm36TILe6qbO6sORIghjTUoRVvhN8wtpF-EZY5llY1zsymlIdvnQQHkT5uLd0Qo3_GSVpCXlGyle27dfNpWyalb4poqLPqVbkgNwN1qvF4H1aRo1QjEcR0_GsJE32rglNGz5O4g1tUjPAKn3j7Czf1by-A1pQVH5iXJwXgeJ0Dy73mq9DZNixvL9FDv_Wo0dgvED02OIfsGVB07747TyLK4J4fuVACGcgSlr568XP_mX_TwOTKKdrWQhqcG3rTHV01AVoKCXjt1gNkwL6O-rdkMcHvYGNe4cJSrq_oOoOF5GUP5-XSWxHKlVxDpp3m6A&__tn__=-R    
Tonight I attended the annual banquet of the Canadian Muslim Forum with our candidate Aziza Dini! 😎 Here is the text of my speech: Good evening! It is a great honour to be able to address you this evening on behalf of the entire team at the Green Party of Quebec. The Green...
Today I launched my campaign in the Roberval by-election! This by-election represents the first time in our party's 34-year history that voters in Roberval will have the opportunity to vote green at the provincial level. I am therefore very proud to be the first green candidate to run in the...
Today, I wrote to Premier Legault to request access to the gallery of the national assembly for the Green Party of Quebec. In a context where the Green Party of Quebec is the largest party not represented in the national assembly and where the premier has committed to reforming the...