On the subject of the young women who disappeared from the Centre de jeunesse de Laval, and beyond the current police operation, the Green Party of Quebec is calling on the Couillard government to fight for the protection of young women, to reinstate sex education courses in our schools, to develop a concrete plan to...
Today, I wrote an open letter to the commissioners of the Lester B. Pearson School Board, asking them to reconsider their decision to close the Verdun LaSalle, Pierrefonds and Lachine schools. Pearson School Board to ask them to reconsider their decision to close the Verdun LaSalle, Pierrefonds and Lachine schools. Please show your support by liking the Facebook page of Save Lakeside, a community group that opposes...
Here's a video of my keynote address at the joint Concordia University (Montreal) and Siena College (New York State) conference on globalization. My presentation focused on eco-socialism and how I have pursued party politics from the perspective of young people in the...
The Green Party of Quebec calls on the Couillard administration to honor its commitment to quality education by eliminating cuts, negotiating with teachers and respecting learning environments. The students and teachers who will be on strike this fall deserve our full support, and...
Solidarity with the Divest McGill occupation in front of the Admin building! McGill, Concordia and all public institutions should immediately divest from fossil fuels. This is the first step to becoming a leader in sustainability. https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/1673685212844767
The Green Party of Quebec condemns the UQAM administration's decision to use the courts, the police and political expulsions to oppress the political expression of its students and professors. "The actions taken by the provincial government and the UQAM administration are aimed at systematically...
On Wednesday, on the eve of a strike by more than 120,000 students across Quebec, the Ministry of Education openly suggests that university rectors "expel two or three students every day". Let's not forget that the Ménard commission on the events of spring 2012 had...
Thank you to the students from École Polytechnique who attended my presentation today on viable and sustainable energy scenarios for Quebec as part of Energy Week. I would also like to thank Patrick Dupuis-Dufresne and all the members of the Poly-Énergies club for their invitation to...
Excellent conference on transitions at Concordia today. Great to see so many people mobilized against capitalist food systems on campus! There's no limit to what can be accomplished! https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/1592539730959316