Earlier this week, I visited Réserve faunique de La Vérendrye, where aboriginal communities have set up checkpoints in preparation for a five-year moratorium on non-aboriginal moose hunting. Despite the fact that data from the Ministère de...
Today, I wrote a letter to Pierre Dufour, Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks, asking him to accept the requests of the Anishinabe communities of Mitchikanibikok (Barriere Lake) and Kitigan Zibi for a five-year moratorium on non-aboriginal moose hunting in what is...
Thank you for your support, Lisa Mintz! Let's continue our work together for a better environment for all. In solidarity, Alex Tyrrell, Leader of the Green Party of Quebec  
Across Quebec, mining companies are seeking permission to drain and destroy lakes. Sign the Green Party of Quebec's petition to say NO to the destruction of our lakes! https://pvq.qc.ca/lacs/
I am very pleased to announce an important endorsement for my campaign for a new mandate as leader of the Green Party of Quebec from Lisa Mintz, environmental activist and former candidate for the Green Party of Canada! Lisa fights for the protection of spaces...
Last week, the leader of Quebec's Green Party traveled to the border between Quebec and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to see the potential environmental damage caused by a mining company's project to destroy eight lakes and 160 streams. https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/videos/2682547275291884/ Last week I travelled to the Quebec-Labrador border where...
I strongly condemn the RCMP blockade of Wet'suwet'en traditional territory in British Columbia and the colonial system that led to this unjust injunction, which is a huge step backwards for reconciliation in Canada. I call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to personally intervene in order...
Today in the House of Commons, Green Party MP Paul Manly (B.C.) used his first question since the election to denounce the Alberta oil sands, and more specifically the approval of the new Teck Frontier oil sands expansion project. On behalf of environmentalists, activists and...
Photo: Marc Bruxelle | Dreamstime Last night, I spoke at a demonstration for free public transit in Montreal and around the world. Free public transit is one of the best ways to fight climate change and social inequality. Free...