Text by Melanie Messier, International Relations Spokesperson.
Because I value democracy, but above all because I value the will and self-determination of the Venezuelan people, I condemn any involvement by the Canadian government in this coup d'état.
As International Relations Spokesperson for the...
Joint publication by Alex Tyrrell, DMP Leader and Alice Sécheresse, DMP Deputy Leader.
Montreal, January 31, 2020 - The Green Party of Quebec calls for the complete decriminalization of sex work.
The case of Marylène Lévesque highlights the importance of completely decriminalizing sex work.
Last week, a...
La CAQ ignore les besoins cruciaux de l’éducation et minimise le travail des enseignant.e.s
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The start of the new school year is already well underway for most of our children, and it's time to make some observations. Before the summer, I was already pointing out the problems in education, in particular the lack of consideration shown by the Ministry of Education towards teachers in terms of working conditions...
A former Green Party of Quebec candidate in the Acadie riding, Roula Al-Nseir decided to enter politics to defend her beliefs and values. She wants to contribute to a better world for future generations. She joined the Green Party of Quebec because the...
Text by Jean-Pierre Duford, spokesman for Agriculture and Forest Management.
Data from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency reveal an alarming situation: 37% of food of all kinds tested by the Agency contained traces of glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide.
The food samples were tested between 2015...
Growing fruit and vegetables on your own property or in a community garden is a fairly common pastime in many cities. But today, a certain craze for growing on balconies, building rooftops and vacant lots is spreading in Quebec and elsewhere. What are the...
Text by Vincent J. Carbonneau, spokesperson for economic transition. Published in Le Pigeon Dissident Inc.
The climate crisis is no longer on our doorstep, it has passed through the portico, already taken off its coat and boots and settled comfortably in front of the stove. In short, it is here to stay. It's...
Text by Kimberly Salt, health and social services spokesperson.
Nurses play an essential role in our healthcare system. At present, however, working conditions are detrimental to the health of these professionals, as well as to that of patients. Problematic working conditions are...
Is closing Roxham Road really the solution to migratory flows?
The subject of migrants entering through Roxham Road is becoming a major political issue today. Recent media releases by François Legault and his government have made Roxham Road the focal point of the migration issue in a country...