January 29, 2017: a duty to remember

A message from Halimatou Bah, DMP Deputy Leader This year marks the 3rd sad anniversary of the attack on the city's grand mosque...

The PVQ denounces the CAQ's measures concerning the...

A statement by Halimatou Bah, DMP Deputy Leader Montreal, January 20, 2020 - Dismayed by the falling threshold and new measures applied...

L’importance de privilégier l’agriculture urbaine

  Growing fruit and vegetables on your own plot and in a community garden is a fairly common pastime in many cities. But today,...

Rénover, c’est aussi trier

Montreal, November 11, 2019 The visit of the spokesperson for the Laurentian region of the Green Party of Quebec to the Écocentre de...

The Laurentian paradox

Text by Valérie Fortier, spokesperson for the Laurentians region As I've said before, the Laurentians are wonderful, but they have a complex paradox: they're...

50 years since the Stonewall riots

  A text by Vincent J.Carbonneau, LGBTQ2+ spokesperson The events of Stonewall took place 50 years ago today, leading to a vast movement of...

Les eaux des Laurentides: une ressource qu’il faut protéger

  A text by Valérie Fortier, spokesperson for the Laurentians region. In this article, I'd like to encourage you to reflect with me on our relationship with water...

CEGEP: towards a green exit profile?

Our students, and the environmentalists among us, are increasingly urging us to prioritize measures to combat climate change...

Et si le Québec valorisait ses enseignant-es plus qu’une semaine par...

In the 1960s, my father was an English teacher at a high school in Lethbridge, Alberta. On a salary of about 6000$ a year, he...